Southwater WI

Well, Happy New Year! Did Christmas happen? Has it all whizzed by in a blur? Hopefully you were well and escaped the lurgy.

Christmas with the W.I. was one of the best yet. The Southwater Christmas Festival was dry and relatively wind free. Our beautifully decorated WI stall, filled with Christmas goodies (sweets and hampers) sold out by 3.30! If you were there you will know that it was very busy and a great occasion. Hats off to the organisers! They did a great job. We were also lucky to have a fab team of volunteers who made it into thoroughly fun packed day.

Our Christmas Party was brilliant fun with singer Kim, whose amazing tunes got us all up dancing. I think it’s the way forward! Any excuse for a dance. It was also fantastic to see a lot of new faces at the party. We really want the Southwater W.I. to be a place where any of the women of Southwater feel welcome.

We think that we’ve got some exciting things planned for the forthcoming year. Our secretary has produced a lovely new programme of events if you want to keep up to date with what we’re doing. Just email her at the address below if you would like a copy.

We kicked off the Year, once again, with Lou’s Line Dancing. Brilliant fun as always! February will be our Annual Meeting with some great entertainment and then in March, we see the return of Steve Lewis. This time with some fascinating tales of policing Brighton. Also don’t forget that we have a coronation on the horizon this year. Another excuse to celebrate and we do love a celebration!

We will be continuing to collect for the various charities that we contribute towards this year. I suspect that the next couple of years are not going to be very easy for lots of people.

We are very aware at the W.I. that the time after Christmas with its gloom can be a very difficult time for many of us. We are here and would love to see you on the last Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. There’s a warm welcome and hopefully some fun to be had!

For further details Email

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.



Southwater Welcome Club Poem