If you’ve guessed this title is a place, then you may either be youthful; IT literate; extremely astute or perhaps all three! The place it refers to is ‘surprisingly’ the entrance to our church, Holy Innocents in Southwater.

What’s in a gobbledegook name anyway? Well, almost everything the world has to offer when it’s divided into a grid of 57 trillion 3 by 3 metre squares. Each square has a three word address that precisely identifies almost any location worldwide (including oceans and seas) to within a square metre; using an App. known as ‘What 3 Words’. This narrows it down more than a traditional grid reference map and makes it easier to remember than a string of numbers.

For example, The Vicarage will be “Emails, Composer, Stopwatch” and the church room is “Unable Blotchy Debit.” Why not try it out with a visit to our church to see the amazing stain glass windows depicting Christ’s Hospital school or the beautiful flower arrangements. Here’s a little exercise you may like to try.

See if you can find what is at the precise locations of the following using ‘What 3 Words’:-

1. “Gangway Rehearsed Drooling.”

2. “Tinted Assemblies Market.”

3. “Paraded Adventure Assemble.”

And send your answers to newssouthwater@gmail.com. The first person to guess all three correctly could have their name printed in the next issue of Southwater News!

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.


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