An update from the Welcome Club

We have been affected by a pandemic, Covid19 which has rocked the world, yours and ours! It has for the time being curtailed the rest of our 2020 calendar.

Despite our sadly losing three long standing members, Joyce, Stan 'the man' and Dennis 'the menace' and new member, Reg, all of whom had been unwell for some time - the rest of us appear to remain as well as can be.

It is our 60th birthday year and in lieu of our planned celebration, some background of how the Club was formed.

Paddy Pedoe resident in Southwater for 13 years became interested in forming a club for people aged 60+ years. The Southwater Welcome Club commenced on 17 March 1960 and Paddy became the Leader with Betty Piper as Secretary/Treasurer. Many joined the fortnightly meetings taking part in activities such as jumble sales, bring & buy, Christmas sales and handy crafts which the men did too, these were entered in competitions and cooking was 'in house'! Oh and Frank Setford made the gavel for 'Attention please!'

After Paddy moved away, Betty took over with Winnie Selmes as Secretary/Treasurer. Betty was at the helm for 34 years and on her retirement Pat Botting took charge, and Winnie remained Secretary/Treasurer. Subsequently Kris Massie took over as Secretary and Don Pavis as Treasurer. Pat retired after 9 years and Don did too. Deborah Bailey became Leader, Kris is still scribbling and Teresa Longdon is Treasurer.

In time women could work past the age of 60. Fortunately membership remains good and is still open to men and women. We also subsequently lowered the joining age to 55 to hopefully attract more members.

While we currently cannot meet we keep in touch with members and are itching to get back to seeing one another again! Hopefully any reading this will keep safe and well.

For more information on the Welcome Club, please visit

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

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