October update from Southwater WI

I can’t believe that Autumn has galloped up to us so quickly and is well underway after what can only be described as the most amazing summer! We had the Jubilee Beacon courtesy of Glyn, Andy and Adam, the Fair on the Ghyll Playing Fields resulting in our Queen of Stamps, our version of the MacMillan Coffee Morning (evening with fizz) which raised an amazing £600 and for our September meeting there was a fascinating evening looking back in time with some help from Horsham Museum. This was a replacement for our advertised evening with Wiltshire Farm Foods, a casualty of Covid I’m afraid!

Now that the evenings are getting shorter and the schools are back we’re getting back to business literally. On October 26th we have our “Market Place“ for local businesses which should provide us all with a taste of what our area has to offer.

Novembers’ meeting is “A Victorian Christmas Show” by Timespan Historical Presentations. Sounds exciting! And of course we have the Southwater Christmas Festival on Saturday November 26th. Fingers crossed for nice weather!

Looking forward to seeing anyone who wants to attend!


Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.


Notes from the Past by Robert Piper October 2022


Southwater Horticultural Society October Update